WingsOfRedemption Professional Predator

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WingsOfRedemption Professional Predator
WingsOfRedemption Professional Predator

WingsOfRedemption Professional Predator, also known as Ajjoomer, is a troll best known for investigating Jordie Jordan's pedophilic online activities. One of the most iconic moments was when Professional Predator unearthed a clip of Wings arguing that child porn should be acceptable up to the age of 12. This clip reached the front page of r/iamatotalpieceofshit with over 50k upvotes. Jordie's subsequent comment on Reddit received a staggering 8,000 downvotes, placing it among the top 10 most downvoted comments in Reddit's history. In a controversial meltdown, Jordie elaborated, stating, "I knew girls as young as 12 sucking cock at school"

Another concerning discovery by Professional Predator was a clip in which Wings discussed a plan to carry out a mass shooting at a local mall, specifically targeting children. Jordie's reaction to this revelation led to a significant public outcry. He attempted to defend himself with the "SHOCK JOCK" argument. Although Jordie managed to get Professional Predator's channel terminated through copyright strikes, the nature of these strikes allowed the channel to be reinstated. Professional Predator continued to expose Wings' contentious remarks throughout the year.

Amidst these revelations, the krewcast podcast also featured lighter moments. In one segment, Jordie boasted about his academic accomplishments, asserting that he held a degree in "mentalurgy" and attributing his YouTube success to elevating Kyle and Woody to millionaires. This was ironic given Jordie's academic struggles, having dropped out of high school after failing the 8th grade three times.

Professional Predator's collaboration with another troll, @mryolodikswagger, intensified the scrutiny on Wings, with both exposing alleged misconduct ranging from pedophilic remarks to fantasies of mass shootings and animal abuse.

In early 2023, a new revelation emerged concerning Jordie's wife, Kelly, and her family's ties to the "Church of Lamberts."

Hunting Pedophiles

Before the WingsOfRedemption Professional Predator created his channel only known fact about wings having a pedophilic tendencies was a 5 minute clip of him from 2017 where he flitered with two 16 year old girls on a rainbow lobby (video game), where he repeatedly was talking about sexual things such as "my controllers battery is low, that's a shais worst nightmare (talking about dildo)" and "every girl thinks they gonna be top escorts before they get hooked on crack cocain by the pimps " mind you he was talking this about a 16 year old girls.


Professional Predator saw the tendency of wings being a creepy pedophile so he created channel named WingsOfRedemption Professional Pedophile(name was to vulgar for youtube so he later changed it to Professional Predator)

It was not long before when he discovered One of the most iconic moments was when Professional Predator unearthed a clip of Wings arguing that child porn should be acceptable up to the age of 12 on PKA podcast , Jordie:" even 16 and 45 i let that slide because 16 year olds can make there own damn decisions, i cut child porn around at 12"

This clip reached the front page of r/iamatotalpieceofshit with over 50k upvotes. Jordie's subsequent comment on Reddit received a staggering 8,000 downvotes, placing it among the top 10 most downvoted comments in Reddit's history. In a controversial meltdown, Jordie elaborated, stating, "I knew girls as young as 12 sucking cock at school", because of this clip to this day every one knows him as a pedophile


Professional Predator also delved into WingsOfRedemption's past by uncovering episodes of the lesser-known "krewcast podcast." In one clip, Wings insulted his now-wife, Kelly, referring to her as an "ugly whore." This prompted an emergency stream where Jordie initially attributed the comment to "shock jock" humor but later claimed the clip had been edited. In another clip from the same podcast, Jordie recounted watching explicit content involving underage individuals, "I watched 14 year old girl suck a horse cock and she vomited while horse camed on her face" causing further controversy. Jordie's responses ranged from alleging the videos were edited to admitting they were concocted to "appear intriguing." On The ReviewTechUSA podcast, Jordie tried to justify his remarks by casting doubt on the ages of the individuals in the videos. However, Professional Predator refuted these claims in the subsequent weeks.
